
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Project Planning: The Gum Boot Makeover (or how to trick out your Wellies)

I still haven't slept much in a couple of days due to this darn cold, but have managed to be pretty productive nonetheless.  Today I purchased some fabric on sale at JoAnn that I will use to make a couple of projects.  I live in Wisconsin where the winter can be brutal and it seems to last forever, so one must have a collection of boots for all occasions because you'll most likely be wearing them until the first of June!  

I have a cute pair of what my family calls "gum boots" but others seem to call "Wellies" or "Wellingtons" that I purchased at Target last year.  They are great for rain, but not so good in the cold, so I found a cute tutorial here that I will use to make some linings for my boots so I can wear them in the slush as we start to thaw this spring.  

My boots get a workout in the summer while I'm working in my herb garden or volunteering with the Sheboygan County Master Gardeners, so it will be nice to have some options!

Here is the fabric I picked up today.  The solid colors will be the linings and the prints will be the cuffs.  The colors are much more beautiful in person, but I have yet to get the lighting right, so you will have to use your imagination.

P.S.  We had a doctor's appointment today and all is great with the baby.  She weighs 2lbs 6 oz now, so is on track for a normal delivery around April 16.  And, the doctor said I could take some Sudafed & Tylenol PM, so maybe I'll get some sleep tonight!

Hopefully I'll dream about my herb garden.  Do you have a favorite herb?

The Real Housewife of Sheboygan County


  1. Kristi, I've enjoyed reading your blog and hearing about your transition north. I'm going to be joining you in the frozen tundra. I'm moving to Minneapolis at the end of this month. I'm not sure what I'll do with all of that snow!!!

  2. I love the pattern for the wellie warmers, thanks for the link. Hope you manage to get some good sleep tonight.


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