I have been a night-owl lately, and not by choice. The little "nugget", or "peanut" or "p-nugget", as we've taken to calling her, likes to eat. A lot.
So, I get up. A lot. And try to stay awake. That's where my iPhone has come in handy. I can catch-up on Facebook and Twitter - not that I really remember what I'm reading, but hey, it keeps me awake.
It's during these times that I have been finding new Apps for my iPhone and I thought I'd share a couple of my recent favorites with you.
Some of you know that I am a Mark Bittman fan. I love his books, his column, and now his "Slog", which is a combination "salon" & "blog."
So, I was ecstatic to find his "How to Cook Everything" App for the iPhone - and only $1.99 - for a limited time!
The next App I came across will help me when I'm knitting and don't have time to run
to the local yarn shop for help. It's the Vogue Knitting app.
I like that it has a "Stitchionary" and also goes over basic techniques, as well as
help "fixing" your mistakes.
Oh those long night feedings. You will never forget them. But they will end up becoming less long. I always noticed a difference at six weeks and then again at 3 months. What a great reason for a sore neck. Beautiful.